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Instructor Profile


Samah Samir CBAP® , PMI-PBA®

Founder & Business Analysis Consultant 

Business Analysis Consultant with 24 years experience in software development , 20 of which in business processes analysis ,requirements elicitation , analysis and documentation.
Experienced in Software Requirements Elicitation , Analysis and Documentation. 

During her Work Experience, She had worked in different lines of Business Such As: Business Process Automation, Government Performance Management (Business Intelligence & Dynamic KPI's) , Decision Support Systems, Brokerage, E-Gov. Processes Automation, Electronic Auctions , Fleet Management , Yards Management. Retail & Courts.

• Provide business analysis consultancy in the different phases of IT project we start with the business users by helping them clearly define their business requirements and help the business company coming up with professional RFP that correctly match their business needs.

• Provide business analysis consultancy together with mentoring and coaching of company's business analysis team.

• Provide business requirement consultation / needs analysis for customers with complex business processes or requirements. This consultation is often performed prior to the initial sale, or when a company wishes to automate a new component of their business process.

• Develop RFP’s for Software Development Projects , we provide a process that will uncover all of the information needed to make an informed decision. All evaluation processes are based on validated and prioritised.

• Help IT Companies evaluate their current Business Analysis situation, critique and give you positive feedback on what you have done, help you select the most probable success route, ensure compliance with industry and organizational standards and guidelines, and map your skill-building

• Help IT Companies build an organization assured of success and featuring BA best practices, deliverable models, delivery tools, checklists, and templates.

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